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Award Winners

 Summer 2024

In order to ensure that each screenplay is read, studied and rated on an individual basis, WRPNSC has instituted a system where entries do not compete against each other, but instead are recognized for their own individual merits.
For all intents and purposes, they compete against themselves:  each entry is judged on individual merits and scored on an inherent value system.

The judges focus is on your screenplay when it is your turn to be evaluated, not on all the other screenplays that are in cue: this ensures that they will not have comparisons going on in their minds when they should be focusing entirely on YOU.

A notification email was sent
  September 15 , 2024


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Elevation To The Depths II - Draft 12
Writer Andrew Noble
United Kingdom
Escaping this Universe from a dying Earth, but twice.

American Fairy Tales (Rev 24_060)
Writer A. S. Templeton
United States

City Lights Reflecting
Writer John Bullaro
United States

CryoLife (Pilot - "The Here and The After")
Writer Glenn Acosta
United States

Desert City
Writer Ricky Chris Antenor
United States

Elevation To The Depths (10-10-22)
Writer Andrew john Noble
United Kingdom

Elevation To The Depths III (29-07-23)
Writer Andrew John Noble
United Kingdom

Writer Carlos Perez
United States

Theodore's Plate
Writers Stephen Wade Nebgen, Anthony Severe, Jr.
United States

War God
United States


Cranes (Stageplay)
Writer Carol Welter
United States

Don't Steal Grandma
Writer Sam Rose
United Kingdom

Long Way Home
United States

My Story To Tell
Writer Lucresia Petrice Campbell
United States

On The Record
Writer Adam Goudchaux
United States

The Shaft - Screenplay
Writer Dennis J Manning
United States

The Substitute Wife
Writer Dennis Manning

The Age of the Empath
Writer Steve Brown
United States

Hometown The Musical
Writer Dennis J Manning
United States

Writer Jan Buttram
United States

Marky the Magnificent Fairy; A Disability story of Courage, Kindness, and Acceptance.
Writer Cynthia Kern OBrien
United States

Star-Crossed Lovers
Writer Frank M Victoria
United States


Civilization With Amnesia
Writer Wade S Kendall
United States

I Sing the Life Electric! (Revision 35pp 24_047)
Writer A. S. Templeton
United States

The Inglorious Bastard after "Downfall"
Writer Martin Foroz
Iran, Islamic Republic of

Marisol and Mezzaluna
Writer Banafsheh Esmailzadeh

The Mystery of the Missing Reading Glasses
Writer Ron Katz
United States

Operation Sacred Cows
Writer Luca Giaggiolo

The Triangle
Writer Martin Foroz
Iran, Islamic Republic of

Wildflower of the Valley: Carnal Bloom (Pilot)
Writer Hannah Rose Vernot
United States


A Shot
Writer Rick K Peregoy
United States

Writer Martin Foroz
Iran, Islamic Republic of

Eva's tango
Writer Roselida Porrello

Friends In Need
Writer India Jenkins
United States

Jimmy Coachella PI The Bungalow
Writer John R Sacco
United States

Principal For A Day
Writers Michael w. Reid, MICHAEL W. REID
United States

Writer Mark Wakely
United States